Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011


So, it seems my cheesecake is popular :-). Since I guess it's easier for me to just post this once in my blog than keep answering emails here you go... I'll add pictures later on as well.

Sara’s Cheescake – No Baking Required

Step 1: Base
  • Line the bottom of a baking tin with baking paper
  • Crush 200g of biscuits really well  (put them in a bag and use a rolling pin) (I used a bit more biscuits and butter because I love the base)
  • Melt 125g of butter and if wanted add a bit of vanilla essence
  • Combine butter and biscuits with hands and distribute the mixture on the bottom of the baking tin.
  • Carefully flatten the base (I use a spoon) by using a bit of pressure
  • Put the baking tin in the fridge while you continue with the next layer

Step 2: Cheese
  • Put all of the following ingredients into a mixing bowl or something similar: 500g of Philadelphia, 250g of Mascarpone and 100g of sugar and mix well. (you could also add some vanilla essence or lemon juice if you want or I added a bit of the berry juice I used later for the top layer)
  • Get the Gelatine ready (depending on what type you have...) I had the packets available in Tesco (Dr. Oetker brand). You just do as the instructions say and use 1 packet.
  • If Gelatine is ready quickly add a few spoons of the Mascarpone mixture to it and stir
  • Then add all of the Mascarpone mixture
  • Beat 3dl of cream until it’s stiff and add it to the mixture (I use a spoon, because we don’t have these nice baking thingies you normally use)
  • Now get the baking tin out of the fridge and pour the whole mixture on top of the base, be sure that it’s flat at the top. (If you do not want a jelly top then you can maybe put some jam drops on top and take a fork and make some nice looking circles or hearts or something)
  • Put in fridge for at least 3hours (after about 2 hours I make the jelly so it’s cool by the time the rest was in for 3 hours, also it might be ok with less than 3 hours, but I would be really careful)

Step 3: Jelly Top
  • Prepare 1 packet of jelly (I used raspberry) as instructed
  • Wait for it to cool down a bit (it should really not be warmer than room temperature)
  • Pour the jelly on top of the cheesecake (be very careful to poor it slowly, I actually used a soup spoon to put it on top very gently, otherwise you might make some holes)
  • I now added some defrosted summer berries (fresh ones would be nice too), also put them into the jelly gently.
  • Put back into the fridge until the jelly is set (I left it overnight)

Hope it works out well and you’ll get an awesome cheesecake.

200g of biscuits (digestives are the best)
125g of butter (unsalted if possible)
500 g of Philadelphia (I take 200 light blue and 300 blue, obviously not the garlic one ;-))
250g Mascarpone
100g sugar
3dl cream (NOT low fat)
Gelatine (1 packet or 5 leafs)
if desired vanilla essence or lemon juice
If desired: Any kind of jelly you would like (e.g. raspberry)
If desired: Fresh or frozen berries

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