Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Second Day...

So, my second day at work was fine, not much to tell. I read a lot, set up the laptop which I got today (email, printer, internal applications,...) and went to have my picture taken for the deri website...

Here some pictures from the office:
This is VinhTuan's desk... he would not let me take a picture of him, so I guess that's all I have for now ;-).
Me at my desk, I redecorated a bit in the morning because these green walls are a bit boring.
 After work I went home and decided to check out the gym and the swimming pool. So I called at the local place, kingfisher club and then went there, it's just like 10 min walk from where I live. I made a 6 months contract with them and paid, so now I better go frequently. After I went swimming. When I was done with 13 lanes the fire alarm went off... Damn, it was soooo loud. So everyone had to get out of the pool and wait, after about 15 minutes that horrible noise stopped and everything was back to normal and I finished my 40 lanes. Then I went to shower and how could it be any different... the bloody alarm went off again. I really could not be bothered this time and went to dry my hair... Sure enough the alarm went off after 10 minutes.

Then I went home, had some dinner and now I'm so tired I'll go to bed. More reading for tomorrow...

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